Behind the Book

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"We all have at least one friend who could write a book because of his or her life journey, the ability to tell a story or means to entertain; Brandon has all three. Since our college days over two decades ago, Brandon has captivated individuals, groups, and businesses with his colorful, heartfelt experiences and coaching mentorship. This collection of thoughts will be hard to put down."

Jon Andrews - Close friend and book cover designer

One year ago, one of my best friends from college called me with the idea that I should organize my best social media posts and publish them as a book. Two weeks later, a high school buddy echoed that same sentiment and kindly told me I should “write a damn book!”

My life journey in the book includes a gritty and personal view of what it’s like to witness someone you dearly love battle cancer, humorous insights of coaching youth sports for eleven years, and the life-changing decision to establish a nonprofit to help schools and kids in New Orleans, which is located 1,300 miles from Denver.

Who We Meet Along the Way is a disarmingly charming ride through a kaleidoscope of heartfelt tales and hard-won wisdom. The journey takes the reader from the rugged hills of Eastern Kentucky to the jagged peaks of the Colorado Rockies. As we go, author Brandon Tosti introduces us to lessons learned, hardships overcome, and the gentle understanding that family is waiting to be found wherever you go, if only you’re open to finding it.

More than a decade ago, author Brandon Tosti began sharing short stories about his daily life on his social media. His initial goal was to spread positivity, but over time he found himself with a collection of uplifting pieces spanning his midlife. Among his posts were the details of the founding and fulfillment of a New Orleans-based non-profit aimed at replenishing school sports equipment post-Katrina; his young wife’s battle with breast cancer; the love and support of friends and family as he juggled the efforts of caring for her, taking the lead parenting role for two toddlers, and full-time work; and funny, touching anecdotes from years of coaching youth sports. It added up to the story of a life well-lived at its midpoint. Tosti’s humble, to-the-point style is instantly relatable, and readers will see themselves in his experiences and relationships.