Make the Ask!

Make the Ask!

After what seems like a year, I can see the finish line as it pertains to the remaining versions of my first book. The audiobook and hardcover edition should be available as early as next week! Please help me spread the word and tell a friend. I am working on some giveaways as well.

I spent over 40 hours listening to the audiobook in order to identify errors or duplicates, trying to perfect the recording. I think it turned out well and I hope some of you take a chance and download it when the time comes. My two favorite sections deal with V Grino when we thought it was a good idea to surprise Sabrina (Moore) Rader late one night by knocking on her window and Josh Gross with his hilarious middle school photo with Donovan McNabb. I chose not to include the clips here because the belly laughs associated with these two stories are worth the price of admission.

Last week, I stopped by a Barnes & Noble to drop off one of my bookmarks and ask about the possibility of me hosting a book signing. I drive past the store every week on my way to Red Rocks and in my mind; I kept telling myself one day I would stop in and introduce myself to a manager. It was time to take my shot. Like most of us, I have my fair share of weaknesses, but one gift the big man upstairs gave me was the lack of fear of talking to a stranger and asking about, well, pretty much anything.

I casually strolled in and a kind associate asked if I needed help. In my mind, I was certain I knew the answer to my question, but I asked anyway. Life is short, and I had to say I tried. She hesitated and shook her head in agreement that indeed; they do not host local authors, but she wanted to introduce me to the manager just to be safe.

I quickly rehearsed my lines and even practiced my smile for when he broke the news I knew was coming. Important note - as many of you know, my college roommate and best friend who "nudged" me to write the book is Chad Randall, and my high school buddy, Dave Blankenship, chimed in with his support two weeks later.

I took a deep breath and shook the kind gentleman's hand and as we exchanged glances, he said, "Nice to meet you, Brandon, I am Randall." I caught myself chuckling and my shy grin jumped from a 1 to 1,000 on the smile scale. I knew right away I was "in" and what was going to happen next. If he had said his last name was Blankenship, I would have sprinted to the nearest gas station and bought $100 worth of Powerball tickets.

The hardest part was remaining calm and not yelling at the top of my lungs and pumping my fist like I normally do when something good happens. I saved it for when I walked back to the car, cranked up the music, and played some air drums. It turns out the new ownership group for Barnes & Noble softened the company's stance regarding local authors. As my new friend, Randall, said, "They encourage us to support local authors and show them some love."

That being said, I look forward to hosting a book signing in late November or December at Barnes & Noble. I still have to pinch myself as I type those words.

For anyone out there who has been contemplating making a change, starting your own company, or chasing a dream, my advice is to ask a friend for help, but whatever you do, make sure you take your shot!


When Chaos and ADD Meet


My First Book